Yes, it was a shocking moment but so is choosing to kill your friends at the end of Far Cry 3 or choosing to harvest the Little Sisters in Bioshock or choosing to drop a nuke on the NCR and the Legion at the end of Fallout New Vegas' final DLC. You can't choose to NOT do the bad thing that sets off the entire plot because the game will keep spawning enemy soldiers to railroad you into doing it. There is no moral accountability because there aren't any choices to be made. It's fair to say that playing this game is an truly horrifying experience, because it basically holds you accountable for everything you doĬorrection: it tries to hold you accountable for everything it forces you to do. It's about 6 hours and worth every minute. I'd give an 9/10 for this game, and if you never played, go for it. I always thought he was brilliant an Drake in the Uncharted series, but here, combined to the story and theme, his voice acting is simply Epic. The voice acting was pretty decent, but I got say that Nolan North truly shines in this game. This, being essentially a parody of how people feel about entertainment violence and shooter games, it was an good hot take on that matter, without being obvious or irritating. It's fair to say that playing this game is an truly horrifying experience, because it basically holds you accountable for everything you do, contrary to the popular shooter games of the early 2010's, where you could go being an God and murder everything in front of you. The gameplay is pretty generic, an mixture of Mass Effect 2 and Gears of Wars, but it works pretty fine, overall, what truly shines here is the story. I don't want to spoil anything for those who still are going to play, but I can say a few words about it Generally, you want these a little lower than the a ride I've always heard that this game was underrated, and boy, were they right. However, most settings are kept as default, with the exception of the Low Zoom and High Zoom ADS sensitivities. The sensitivities aren't too high or too low, which is great for the wide majority of players. The above settings are fairly median for Black Ops Cold War.
Although, some sound issues on PC have players messing with their audio settings at the moment.

While the graphics and other gameplay elements are always fiddled with, perhaps the biggest aspect for PC users is their mouse settings. Naturally, one of the first things most of these KB+M players did is head into their settings and look at what needs changing. This is the first time the new entry in the franchise is being played on keyboard and mouse.